The central bank also has told some banks they could lend more of their deposits, letting city commercial banks and rural financial institutions hold less of their deposits in reserve. 中国央行也告诉一些银行,它们可以把更多存款用于放贷――央行下调了城市商业银行和农村金融机构的存款准备金率。
CDB will restructure into a shareholding company, assume responsibility for the risks of its investments, make lending decisions based on its own commercial interests, take deposits from the public and eventually sell shares in an initial public offering. 国家开发银行将重组为一家股份制公司,自行承担投资风险,根据其自身的商业利益做出贷款决定,吸收公众存款,并最终通过首次公开发行(ipo)出售股份。
The change in status will allow them to create commercial banks that will be able to take deposits, bolstering the resources of both institutions. 转型后,这两大投资银行可以像商业移行一样,能够接受存款,以加强两家机构的资源支持。
Commercial banks operations to keep the ink stone deposits in reserve money as its cash and by the Central Bank deposits in two parts 商业银行在经营活动中保留的砚金称为存款准备金它由库存现金和在中央银行的存款两部分组成
Commercial banks hold different kinds of deposits and hold them in a variety of forms. 商业银行持有各种不同类型之存款,以各种不同之形式存放。
Savers may initially be shielded from the full impact of those reductions, because commercial banks are competing for retail deposits. 起初储蓄者可能会免受这些利率削减的全部压力,因为商业银行正在为小额零星存款竞争。
On the one hand, these banks offer low-risk, traditional banking services such as deposit-taking and commercial lending with guaranteed deposits and an insurance mechanism set up by governments. 一方面,这些银行提供低风险的传统银行业务如吸收存款和提供商业贷款有政府设立的存款担保和保险机制。
A commercial bankis an organization established to: accept deposits from individuals and businesses; 商业银行作为一家开业机构,其业务范围包括:从个人和公司吸收存款;
So why has it taken so long to move towards the commercial exploitation of deep sea massive sulphide deposits? 那么为什么深海金属硫化物矿的商业化开发要等这么长时间?
As commercial banks, they can take deposits from the public and borrow from the Federal Reserve at any time. 作为商业银行,他们在任何时间都可以从公众当中吸收存款,并从美联储借出资金。
Investment banks differ from commercial banks, since they don't accept deposits or provide loans to individuals. 投资银行不同于商业银行,因为他们不接收存款或提供个人贷款。
The major commercial types and distributing charcters of gold deposits in China 中国金矿床主要工业类型及其分布特征
Commercial types of gold deposits in China 中国金矿床工业类型
Geological feature and cleaning of commercial ore of Iceland spar deposits in Sichuan 四川冰洲石地质特征及其商品矿的精选开发
The commercial factors are basis for exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits, and are basic factors for economic evaluation of mineral deposits, adjustment of mining production and obtaining best economic benefit. 工业指标是矿床勘探、开发的依据,是矿床经济评价、矿山生产调节和取得最好经济效益的基本因素。
Commercial types of gold deposits in Hubei Province industry 湖北省金矿床工业类型
The private financing has become an indispensable business in the commercial banks as citizens 'income and deposits are increasing rapidly both in urban and rural places. 随着国内城乡居民收入与储蓄存款的剧增,使商业银行个人理财业务成为银行中间业务中必不可少的重要组成部分。
Commercial deposits mainly distribute in a specific sedimentary facies of secondary drainage systems. 工业矿床产于二级水系特定沉积相中。
Problems on the exploration and commercial value of gold deposits 金矿勘探与矿床技术经济的几个问题
Now raising deposit method in most of the commercial banks is issued to staffs deposit incremental index. The method leads to commercial bank employees to face great working pressure of getting deposits. 目前,大多数商业银行提高存款额的主要方式为向员工下达揽储指标,导致商业银行员工面对着很大的揽储工作压力。
But the reform so far, the vast majority of state treasury funds deposited in the central bank to obtain bank account interest, only a small part of the funds deposited in commercial banks, interest on time deposits. 然而改革至今,国库现金中绝大部分仍存放在央行获得银行活期存款利息,只有小部分国库现金通过商业银行定期存款等国库现金管理方式获得利益。
At the current stage, the market share of commercial bank industry is mainly indicated by the size of deposits and loans, the key source of profitability for banks comes from the dividend policy, but which can not effectively improve banks 'innovative capability. 现阶段商业银行市场占有率更多的体现为存贷款规模,银行获取的是更多的政策红利,并不能使银行的创新能力得到有效改善。
With fierce competition among commercial banks, interest rate spreads income is the the major source of income for commercial bank, and deposits become their important task. 商业银行的主要收入来源为利差收入,随着商业银行间的竞争日益加剧,存款成为其重要的任务。
Commercial banks is financial enterprises to operate deposits, loans and other business profitability Behavior constraint on lending and management practices are essential elements of banking risk management and control. 商业银行是吸收存款、发放贷款和从事其他中间业务的盈利性金融企业。对贷款的行为约束和管理实践是银行业经营管理和风险控制的基本要素。
In the commercial bank deposits of risk aversion increases, SMEs 'loans to the rising cost of revenue decreased sensitivity of the situation, commercial banks can maximize net gains realized through the issuance of SMEs' financial bonds. 在商业银行对吸收存款的风险厌恶程度提高、对融资成本上升的敏感性下降的情况下,商业银行能够通过发行小微企业金融债实现净收益最大化。
Commercial banks as deposits, loans and settlement process as the main corporate business, not only has the general characteristics of enterprises, as well as its specificity. 商业银行作为以吸收存款、发放贷款以及办理结算为主要业务的企业法人,既具有一般企业的特征,又有其作为金融机构的特殊性。
The new joint-stock commercial banks are more flexible than large state-owned commercial banks in interest rate risk management, and large state-owned commercial banks rely on short-term deposits to support the long-term loans. 大型国有商业银行在防范利率风险方面不如新兴的股份制商业银行灵活,存在着短借长贷的现象。
Commercial Banks is the biggest characteristic of use client deposits and other borrowing money as the main operating funds for credit business. 商业银行的最大特色就是利用客户的存款及其他借入款作为主要营运资金进行信贷业务经营。